Meditation: Rx For Sleep

Meditation: Rx For Sleep

“Your life is a reflection of how you sleep, and how you sleep is a reflection of your life.” 
- Dr. Rafael Pelayo “Sleep is the best meditation.” 
- Dalai Lama “According to The American Journal of Medicine, 91% of chronic insomnia patients were able to reduce...
Mantra: Yoga for Your Mind

Mantra: Yoga for Your Mind

OM Symbol: the Mantra of the Higher Self Yoga is practiced by millions as a moving meditation to promote health and youthfulness. Its poses (asanas) improve strength, balance, flexibility and mental clarity. However, yoga is much more than physical exercise. The...
Mindfulness: Treating Anxiety Without Pills

Mindfulness: Treating Anxiety Without Pills

It’s easy to stop noticing the world around us. 
We can wind up living in our heads – caught up in our thoughts, without stopping to watch how those thoughts are creating anxiety and stress. As a physician, the pill-free antidote for stress that I recommend is...

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